Connect new laptop to wireless network

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Abgeschickt von adegighNeergo am 22 Februar, 2010 um 19:23:15

Antwort auf: At a leisure your forum was pleasant von Drarovokbok am 08 Februar, 2010 um 16:54:43:

Hello,Im searching any assistance here greatly appreciated. My laptop works fine on the network, (wireless connection), have a new lappied and need to connect, how do I do this. I have no idea - I can see the network, so the lappie is detecting the network.

When I set-up the original device I do recall the software asking for all sorts of 16 /32 bit codes and stuff, do I need to do this all over again, I thought it was a simple exercise to just an another unit, however, dammed if I can figure out now.

Any assistance here and ideas very greatly appreciated.

Thank you for any answers.


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